Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakaatuhu,
As we conclude another year of the MCNJ Sunday School, we the administration would like to express our gratitude to you parents, for your commitment to your children’s Islamic education. Our school simply cannot be successful without your support and commitment.
As we have mentioned numerous times throughout the year, the MCNJ Sunday School is a collaboration between the school staff and the parents. Thank you for doing your part of delivering your children to us punctually every Sunday, completing homework with your children and ensuring they are prepared for the exams. Your commitment to your children and the school continues to motivate us and inspires your children to place value in their Islamic education.
May Allah grant you all a successful summer and a blessed Ramadaan. Ameen. See you all next year, in shaa Allah.
Jazaakum Allahu khairan,
MCNJ Sunday School Administration
P.S. Please don’t hesitate to send us suggestions on how we can improve the quality of the educational service and Islamic environment that we are offering.