In class: الحمدلله We finished Unit B-Chapter 3 & watched 3 short videos about life in the grave.
-Memorize the Dua from the book which can save us from the Azab al Qabr.
-Do question number 1,2,& 3
-Question # 4 & 5 : Fold a paper in half (like you fold if you make a card). Answer, question # 4 on the one side & answer, question # 5 on the second half. They should come infront of each other.
Note: Do not write question or question # on it. Just give the Heading for each side eg.
Entertainment the Believer will
enjoy in the grave
– Write as much points as you can
Punishment the disbeliever will
suffer in the grave
-Write as many points as you can
We will display Question # 4& 5 in the hall way so make it neat and attractive but according to the topic. You can type, print pictures or paste pictures. Or add book qoute on the edges of the page.
Make a moddle of a grave to display in the hallway (who ever can do it)