Today we reviewed what we studied in the past of Surat Al-Hujuraat and continued to Ayah 14.

1- Bano Asad were bragging that they are believers after declaring their acceptance of Islam. Allah stated that Iman is a higher status than Islam.
2- The 5 pillars of Islam: a) Shahada, b) Salah, the 5 mandatory daily prayers, c) Sawm, fasting the month of Ramadan, d) giving Zakat and e) preforming Hajj are doable action items and only the basic pillars not the entire Islam.
3- Iman can be summarized in the elements of believing in the heart & mind that: a) Allah sent b) Angels with c) Holly Books to d) Prophets & Messengers to tell us about e) Qadar or Fate & Destiny in this life and f) Life after death & the Day of Judgement.
4- Iman should be manifested in the behavior & actions of the believer.
5- Allah who is merciful & forgiving still rewards Muslims for their good deeds even if Iman is not yet strong in their hearts.
6- Allah has names & attributes as revealed to prophet Mohamed. We should not think that Allah is like any of his creation. For example Allah hears but we should not imagine that He has ears like any of his creation. We should be concerned that we don’t say bad things that Allah hears. Allah sees but we should not visualize that He has eyes like any of His creation. We should be concerned that we don’t do bad things that Allah sees.

Bring a simple file folder with your name on it to keep your homework & quizzes in it.
Find the names & adjective of Allah as listed in Surat Al-Hujuraat. Write in a sheet of paper with the meanings with your name on it.
Bring your own Quran in digital or hard paper form every time to practice reading.
Practice not to make fun of others, no calling others bad nick names, no spying on others and no backbiting.
Think of a sin you know you make and practice repentance “Towba”.
Get ready for next quiz.

Voluntary memorizing of Surat Al-Hujuraat with no mistakes is rewarded with $20 prize. $1 deduction for each mistake.

Review the Quran you memorize by using in your Salat alternating different Ayat each Rukaa’.