Chapter#1 not started yet. Prophets of Islam

What is Iman (faith)?
What is heart of Islam?
The creations of Allah (swt)
Arkanul-Islam (The Five Pillars of Islam)
1. Shahadah (Testimony and declaration of faith) “Ashadu an la illah ill Allah, wa ashadu anna Muhammadar rasoolullah.” This translates to: “I testify that there is no god but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God.”
2. Salat (Prayer 5 times a day)
3. Zakah (2.5% Charity to the poor)
4. Siyam (Fasting during the month of Ramadan)
5. Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once a lifetime)

Arkanul-Iman (The six pillars of Iman)
1. The belief in Allah
2. The belief in Allah’s angels
3. Belief in Allah’s Messengers
4. The belief in Allah’s revealed Books
5. Belief in the Day of Judgement
6. The belief in Al-Qadar (Fate)

Recommended to memorize Iman-Mufassal (the pillars of Iman)

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