Homework should be done in one subject Composition Book, write your name on the book, date each homework and write neatly.
Reviewed basic pillars of Islam and Iman
Started Unit-A chapter#1: Allah Controls the World
The sixth faith of Iman Al-Qadar.
1. What does Al Qadar mean?
Al Qadar means ‘Divine fate’ or ‘Destiny’.
2. List the four aspects of Al Qadar.
a. Al Ilm – Divine Knowledge: Allah first knows what will happen
b. Al Kitabah – Written Destiny: The angels write what will happen
c. Al Mashee’ah – Divine Will: Allah wills and permits what is written to happen when its time
d. Al Khalq: Creation: Allah creates and makes His Will happen in the real world.
3. List the main three actions in relation to humans. List at least one example for each of
these actions:
1. Action: Actions within us
Example: Blood circulation, heartbeats etc.
2. Action: Actions upon us
Example: Weather, accidents
3. Action: Actions from us
Example: Praying, helping or harming others
Chapter not finished yet.
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