In class, we completed Chapter 1 (Allah Loves Kindness). We read the two stories in the chapter that describe how one treats animals (and other creatures of Allah) can either earn them Allah’s forgiveness & jannah, or, in cases of cruelty to Allah’s creatures, it could result in Allah’s anger.
We also briefly discussed the hadith of the Prophet (saw) “A Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hands the Muslims are safe…” We discussed the meaning of this hadith. Muslims should not harm others by saying unkind words or hurting them.For HW, please have students complete the questions on the handout given in class. For those who were not in class, the questions are:
1. Why do you think it is important not to harm anyone?
2. How would you feel if someone said something mean to you or hurt you?
3. How do you think someone else would feel if you said something mean or hurtful to them?