Gateway to Arabic. Reading & Writing Revision: Arabic Alphabets & vowels (Fatha, Karsa & Damma): Students have been revised with reading and recognizing arabic letters and how to pronounce the letters with harakats(vowels). We went through simple exercise of memorizing what is being taught in the class.. Most of the students are aware of arabic alphabets and their pronounciations, It is the responsibiltiy of parents to teach and practice reading of quran if their kid is not aware of how to read quran. In the coming weeks we will be going through quran memorization of simple suras, In order to memorize kids must know how to read and recite arabic words.
Etiquiettes of Reciting/Reading Quran
1. Being In State Of Cleanliness And Wudu
2. To sit properly with great respect
3. Not to talk or play while reciting/listening the Holy Quran
4. Before the recitation of Holy Quran it is necessary to say Taudh & Tasmia
Note: We request parents to assess their kids ability to read quran in Home and help them improve quran reading. Please follow the ettiquetes before coming to quranic class and during the class.