STUDY GUIDE Sister Samahal
The LIfe and Sayings of Rasulullah
End of the Year Exam Study Guide

***All of these Questions are on the book, and these same exact questions will be on the exam, so please Study and Insha Allah you will pass***

1. When someone asked the prophet “Which deed is the best”, what did he reply?
a. Answer: He replied saying “Praying on Time”

2. Is it better to pray salah in your home, or at the masjid with other muslims?
a. Answer: It is better to pray at the masjid

3. What day is it best to take a bath?
a. Answer: On Friday

4. Who is the person closest to Allah?
a. Answer: The person who says “salam first”

5. What is part of one’s Iman? Give an example?
a. Answer:Cleanliness is part of one’s Iman
b. Answer: cleaning your room, cleaning yourself, your things (Answers will vary)

6. What do you say to the food in front of you before you eat it?
a. Answer: Say Bismillah

7. What is one of the simplest acts of charity?
a. Answer:your smile

8. What does “Haram” mean?
a. Answer: Something Haram is something forbidden for a muslim

9. Fill in the Blank
None of you is a true Muslim until he for his brother what he loves for himself/

10. The best friend in the Sight of Allah is who?
a. Answer: The one who is best to his friend

11. What is one way to show your love for others?
a. Answers:To Exchange gifts

12. What is a way of worshipping Allah?
a. Answer: Making Du’a’

13. If you see something harmful on the road, what should you do?
a. Answer: Move the object away, you will get good deed for doing it

14. How should you treat the other things on the Earth?
a. Answer: You should be merciful to everything on Earth (Be Kind to everything)

15. Who should you serve first before anyone else?
a. Answer: Your mother

EXTRA Credit!!!!!!
1. How do you do Wudu?
a. If you do it mostly right, 10 Extra Credit points

2. What do you do in Ramadan?(5 points)
a. (Answers Vary) fast, give charity, help the poor etc

3. When you put on shoes, which foot should you start with first?(5 points)
a. Answer: Your right foot

4. What do you call the words of the prophet?(5 points)
a. Answer:Ahadith

5. What are some character traits of a good muslim?(5 points)
a. Answer:They are kind, thoughtful, caring, loving, peaceful, religious, good (Answers will vary)