Today we reviewed what we studied in the past of Surat Al-Hujuraat and continued to Ayah 12.

1- After the third call to the believers, Allah commands not to react to news from any source before verification.

2- A true believer should verify all information he receives from the media before forming an opinion.

3- Infighting among the believers is forbidden by Allah.

4- It is still possible that two groups of believers can have infighting among themselves. That does not change the fact that they remain believers & brothers.

5- Neutral believers have the obligation to intervene between other Muslim fighting groups to stop the infighting & arbitrate the dispute in a justly manner.

6- If one of the infighting groups of believers transgresses by refusing to stop the fight & accepting arbitration, the neutral groups are commanded by Allah to fight that group only till they agree to stop fighting & accept arbitration.

7- After stop of the fighting, the initially neutral groups that fought the transgressing group, should remain neutral & arbitrate the dispute between the initial fighting groups in a justly manner in accordance to Allah’s commands & teachings.

8- Appreciating Allah’s gifts & blessings “Neama” is by recognizing that it is only from Allah, respecting it, preserving and protect it from waste, use it to please Allah in according to his commands and sharing it with others who deserve to.

9- Islam has the 1st economic system that guaranteed loans. The rich can receive payments from Zakat in the case of loans they made in goodwill to those who became unable to repay those loans.


– Watch the news and media with critical point of view.

– Get ready for next week’s quiz.

– Voluntary memorizing of Surat Al-Hujuraat with no mistakes is rewarded with $20 prize. $1 deduction for each mistake.