Level 2-Iman and History
Exam Study Guide
Unit A Chapters 1-6

Chapter 1:
Understand that Allah is our Creator and He is the One we should always obey and aim to please with our actions.
Understand that Adam (AS) was the first man created by Allah and that he was a Prophet and made out of clay.
Understand the difference between jinns, humans, and angels.
Shaytan was a jinn who disobeyed Allah when Allah commanded the angels to bow down to Prophet Adam.
Shaytan didn’t bow down because he was arrogant.
Because he disobeyed Allah, Shaytan was sent out of Heaven and would eventually live in Hell.
Shaytan promised to trick people to disobey Allah and do bad deeds so they would go to Hell like he would.
Understand how and why Shaytan tricked Adam (AS) and his wife, and how they were thrown out of Heaven.
Prophet Adam and his wife felt bad for disobeying Allah and asked Allah to forgive them and be merciful towards them, so Allah did forgive them but sent them to Earth.
What does al-Ghaffar and al-Ghafoor mean?

Chapter 2:
We should always obey Allah first.
When doing any action, we should say “Bismillah” which means “in the name of Allah.”
Niyyah is intention. Our niyyah should always be to please Allah (swt).

Chapter 3:
Prophet Adam and his wife were sent to Earth and started a new family. They had many children, including Habeel and Qabeel.
Know the story of Habeel and Qabeel, and why Qabeel became jealous of his brother.
Understand how jealousy and selfishness can make us weak, and then it becomes easy for Shaytan to make us do bad things.
Understand the hadith of Prophet Muhammad: “None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.” What does this mean? How should Muslims feel if something good happens to someone else?
What does taqwa mean?
Chapter 4:
Understand that Allah alone is our Creator, and that we only worship and pray to Allah.
Learn the story of Ibrahim (AS). What did his family worship?
What did Ibrahim (AS) do to the idols? Why?
What did the people do to Ibrahim (AS)?
How did Allah (swt) save Ibrahim (AS)?

Chapter 5:
Who was Prophet Nuh? What did Allah (swt) command him to build? Why?
What did Prophet Nuh bring with him on the ark? How many of each?
How did the Earth change at that time?
Who obeyed Prophet Nuh? Who did not obey him? What happened to those who disobeyed? What happened to those who did not obey?
Chapter 6:
Whom should you always turn to if you need something?
Why did Allah send prophets to His people?
What did Prophet Younes try to teach his people? At first, did they listen?
What did Prophet Younes do when his people disobeyed him? Was this the right thing to do?
What is sabr?
What happened to Younes (AS) in the sea?
When Younes (AS) realized his mistake, what did he do?
What is dua’a and tasbeeh?
How should we react when something bad happens to us?
How did Allah (Swt) show Younes (AS) that He had forgiven him?
When you make a mistake and need help from Allah, what should you do and say?