Assalamu Alaykum!

Today, we learned about the companions of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The students must complete page 35 in their workbooks for homework. The final test is going to be on May 22nd. This test will cover chapters 1-6 from Unit B, a few names of Allah, ni’mah, and dhikr. Please review this content and the study guide that will be handed out next Sunday.

Also a kind reminder for the parents, please make sure your child comes to school prepared EVERY WEEK with pencils, a notebook, their textbook, and workbook. Students who don’t come prepared to class tend to disrupt the others.

Please make sure to check their bags for any papers handed back and check their workbooks for any incompleted pages of homework (the page will say “HW” with the date).

Jazak’ Allahu Khairan