4B Iman/History-HW-For-05/07/2017 ( Br. Kaleel)
We have reviewed each and every chapter in last 2 classes. Please read one more time before exams. Exam date 4-June
Unit B: Prophet Muhammad In Madina
Chapter 1: Prophet Muhammad in Madina
Chapter 2: Al-Hijrah From Makkah To Madinah
Chapter 3: Building the Mosque
Chapter 4: Courage and Faith: The Battle of Badr
Chapter 5: Disobedience is Harmful: The Battle of Uhud
Unit F: Islam in Africa
Chapter 1: Islam in Africa
Chapter 2: Beautiful Mosques in Africa
Chapter 3: Egypt: The First Muslim Country in Africa
Chapter 4: Islam in North Africa
Chapter 5: Nigeria: The largest Muslim country in Africa
Chapter 6: Muslims in South Africa