In Class: We completed Chapter 6 from Unit B.
H.W.: Read chapter 7 for next class. Do page # 66 (Unit D-Chapter 6) in the workbook. Handed out the home worksheet (due next week & the questions in that worksheet are as below)

1- Fill in the blanks. (use book for appropriate words)

1- Allah’s gifts are too ____________________to count.
2- We need to look beyond just the gift and recognize the __________________, who is Allah.
3- We need to express our gratitude and thankfulness towards our great __________________.
4- Expressing gratitude to Allah is an act of worship known as __________________________.
5- Muhammad (SAW) said: “Talking about the gifts of Allah is a type of ___________________.
6- Obey Allah and avoid ______________ as much as you can.
7- Use the gifts he gave you in the ________________ & __________________ way.
8- One other way to thank Allah is by doing _______________________________________.
9- Use your _______________, ______________ & _________________ that Allah give you in serving Islam & helping others.
10- Muhammad (SAW) said: “The one who does not thank people (when they do favor for him or her), he or she is not thankful to __________________.

2- How can we show our gratitude to Allah? (only write the points from the book)