Today we reviewed what we studied in the past of Surat Al-Hujuraat and continued to Ayah 13.
1- We stressed that believers should avoid suspicious thoughts of others as well as placing themselves in suspicious situations.
2- While all humans are created from male & female, Adam PBUH had no father nor mother. His wife had no mother. Jesus PBUH had no father. Thus demonstrating the complete abilities of Allah to create humans in all possible ways.
3- The significance of mentioning “Azwaj” or pairs; repeatedly in the Quran; is that it exposes the hoax of the Evolution Theory. For Evolution to happen, one gender of a species is not enough to evolve into another species. There must be a pair; male & female; that evolve in the same place, at the same time, in the same manner so their reproductive systems are completely compatible, both survive to adulthood & then mate producing surviving offspring of both genders. Otherwise, the new species will not reproduce. For this to happen is farfetched & impossible by mathematical probability. For this to happen repeatedly, billions of times, is just fantasy.
4- All humans are created equal. The best of humans are the ones practicing most Taqwa.
5- The differences between nations and tribes should not be reasons for abuse or wars. It should be used for exchange of ideas, knowledge and experiences as well as exploring cultures.
6- We should try to gain knowledge & good experience in or life.
Permanent Home work:
1- Read at least one page of Quran daily and the meanings. Give it priority over all else 1st thing in the morning.
2- Make a weekly check chart for the daily things you should be doing including, but not limited to, the 5 daily pryers, daily Quran, being best to parents, chores, …etc…
3- Think of the meaning of Surat Alfatiha during your prayers especially asking Allah for guidance to the straight with its two components. If you do so at least 17 times a day, He will guide you definitely.
4– Practice lowering your voice when speaking to or in the presence of your parents, elders and those of authority.
5- Receive the news and media with critical thinking and don’t form opinions without independent verification.
6 – Recognize Allah’s Gifts and appreciate by preserving them and using them properly in accordance to His guidance.
7 – Fix broken relationships with or between others
• Try a different ethnic food you did not try before.
• – Get ready for next week’s quiz.
– Voluntary memorizing of Surat Al-Hujurat with no mistakes is rewarded with $20 prize. $1 deduction for each mistake.