Unit B-Chapter 3: The Miracle of Miracles: The Story of Prophet Isa – Br. Niaz & Sis Shabana
Unit-B Chapter#1 Page#B13 was due on 02/25/2018; Chapter#2 Page#B23 is due on 03/18/2018
Chapter#3 is due on 03/25/2018
1) Read the chapter at home Chapter#3.
2) Answer all questions from Page#B37
3) Explain your parents what you learned in the class and write those in bullet points neatly.
4) Take parent’s signature on each homework before you submit.
Keep a separate “One subject Composition notebook” for Iman & History Homework. Write your Name on the book, homework date, and unit and chapter number.
Classroom Progress:
Completed Unit B Chapter:3 – The Miracle of Miracles: The Story of Prophet Isa (a s)
1. Where was Prophet Isa born?
Prophet Isa [as] was born in Bethlehem, six miles south of Jerusalem. According to the
Qur’an, he was born at a place in the East, away from Maryam’s family.
2. The events that Maryam (a s) experienced before delivering her blessed baby.
3. What did the people do when they knew about Maryam’s birth? [Maryam giving birth to
Isa] And how did she respond?
4. How did Maryam answer the people’s questions about her baby?
5. What are the main miracles that Prophet Isa came with?
a) Prophet Isa’s birth was a miracle in and of itself.
b) He could speak when he was an infant.
c) He could cure people with serious handicaps and diseases. Allah enabled him to cure the sick by simply wiping their diseased spots.
d) He would make out of clay a bird and blow into it and it would become a real bird.
e) He could bring the dead to life.
6. Why was Prophet Isa sent to the Children of Israel?
7. What were the most important teachings of Prophet Isa?
8. Did Prophet Isa die? Explain your answer and support it with the appropriate ayaat.
9. What is crucifixion? What does the Qur’an say about it?
Crucifixion is a form of ancient punishment in which the accused was nailed to the cross. He would bleed to death there. It was a form of punishment used for common thieves of that time. The Qur’an says that Isa [as] was neither crucified nor killed, but was raised up alive to the Heavens.