Assalamualaikum wa rahmatulla wa barakatuhu

Dear students,
I pray that you are all keeping safe and are in good spirits during this crucial time.

In sha Allah, we will transition to distant learning for our last unit.

Unit E: Prayer is light
Chapter 1 – Praying the prophets way

I am asking that you read this chapter. Please answer all questions for your homework and submit to me.

Student Objectives :
Understanding and learning the place of Salah in Islam
Learn the importance of salah for every Muslim
Learn the importance of pray time
Learn the importance of perfecting your prayer
Learn a variety of important thikr and duaa to use during salah
Know the following vocabulary : Al Israa wal miraj, Takbeerat ul Ihram, Rakah, Qiyam, Rukoo, Sujood, Juloos

Please reach out to me with any questions or concerns.

Salma Iqbal

JazakAllah Khair