L-8A & L-8B Unit E: As-Sunnah: The Other Divine Revelation Chapter 4: The Major Books of
Hadeeth (Part One) – Brother Azeem Khan
Please review Unit-E ch#1, ch#2 and ch#3 we completed. Answer all questions on last page of each chapter as homework.
Unit E: As-Sunnah: The Other Divine Revelation
Chapter 4: The Major Books of Hadeeth (Part One)
Read and understand this chapter from page# E22 to D29
– Learn about and recognize the most prominent books of hadeeth.
– Gain a basic overview of the major hadeeth collections.
– Receive an introduction to the authors of the main books of hadeeth.
– Know the following vocabulary terms: Saheeh, Sunan, Masnad, AlMuwatta, Al-Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim, Musand of Imam Ahmed
Students must do the following:
1) Read the assigned chapter in front of their parents.
2) For Homework: Answer all the questions from the last pages of that chapter.
3) For Homework: Explain to your parents what you learned from this lesson and write down four bullet points.
Make sure to write the student’s name, date, unit, and chapter number, also take your (the parent) signature on each homework before you submit to the teacher via email to Brother Azeem Khan (azkhan12@yahoo.com)
Note: You should have already submitted your homework from previous ch#1 pg#E9, ch#2 pg#E15 and ch#3 pg#E21 from last three weeks, if you have not do so, please do it this week.
Stay safe and be well!