L-3A & L-3B Unit D: Prophet Muhammad In Makkah – Sister Zainab Naqvi
Please review all chapters from Unit-B from chapter#1 to #6. Answer all questions on last page of each chapter as homework.
New Assignments: Read all chapters from Unit-D from chapter#1 to #7
Chapter 1: Muhammad Becomes a Prophet
Chapter 2: Muhammad Rasool Allah Teaches His Family and Friends
Chapter 3: Early Muslims Suffer
Chapter 4: Prophet Muhammad Was Strong and Patient
Chapter 5: The Boycott Against the Muslims
Chapter 6: Al-Israa’ Wal-Mi’raj: The Heavenly Trip
Chapter 7: The Faithful Wife: Khadeejah Bintu Khuwayled
Students must do the following:
1) Read each chapter every week in front of their parents.
2) For Homework: Answer all the questions from the last pages of each chapter.
3) For Homework: Explain to your parents what you learned from each lesson and write down four bullet points.
Make sure to write the student’s name, date, unit, and chapter number, also take your (the parent) signature on each homework before you submit to the teacher via email to Sister Zainab Naqvi (znaqvi1113@gmail.com)
Note: You should have already submitted your homework from previous chapter#1 through 6 from unit-B. if you did not do so, please do submit your homework.
Stay safe and be well!