Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakaatuhu,
Parents, we are fast approaching the conclusion of this academic year. We would like to remind you of the following important dates:
Sunday, May 22nd:
All subject study guides are due and will be posted on google classroom and hard copies will be distributed in school.
Sunday, May 29th: No School Memorial Day
Sunday, June 5th:
Exam for Worship & Character (for Levels 1-8)
Exam for Iman & History (for Levels 1-8)
Exam for the Qur’an subject (for Levels 1-8)
Exam for Life of RasulAllah (saw) (Level KG)
Exam for Islam For Younger (Level KG)
Sunday, June 12th:
Makeup exam, and sports/fun day.
Sunday, June 18th:
Graduation depends on school building availability.
Please ensure that your children are adequately prepared for the upcoming exams.
Jazak’Allah Khair,
MCNJ Sunday School Administration.