Sunday School Homework

/Sunday School Homework

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So far Sunday School Homework has created 2302 blog entries.

5B Quran-HW-For-03/29/2020

Assalamu'alykum, With everything going, I hope that you all are in the best of health and imaan. Inshallah, we are planning to continue with our Sunday School classes. I recorded a video (posted on Google Classroom) so you guys have sometime to review all the material we covered in class. Inshallah, I will keep everyone [...]

By | March 29th, 2020|5B Quran|Comments Off on 5B Quran-HW-For-03/29/2020

5A Quran-HW-For-03/29/2020

Assalamu'alykum, With everything going, I hope that you all are in the best of health and imaan. Inshallah, we are planning to continue with our Sunday School classes. I recorded a video (posted on Google Classroom) so you guys have sometime to review all the material we covered in class. Inshallah, I will keep everyone [...]

By | March 29th, 2020|5A Quran|Comments Off on 5A Quran-HW-For-03/29/2020

4B Worship/Character-HW-For-03/29/2020

Assalaamualaikum, Welcome Back Kids! As you all know the tough times are requiring us to stay home so in the efforts to continue our class we will be posting class material on here. LESSON: click on the following link to view the video for our virtual class: Please watch this video before working on [...]

By | March 29th, 2020|4B Worship/Character|Comments Off on 4B Worship/Character-HW-For-03/29/2020

4A Worship/Character-HW-For-03/29/2020

Assalaamualaikum, Welcome Back Kids! As you all know the tough times are requiring us to stay home so in the efforts to continue our class we will be posting class material on here. LESSON: click on the following link to view the video for our virtual class: Please watch this video before working on [...]

By | March 29th, 2020|4A Worship/Character|Comments Off on 4A Worship/Character-HW-For-03/29/2020


Asalam U Alaikum, this is Sister Samina Waseem. Since online classes are now in progression, I will lay out a basic plan for the next few weeks. I would like all students to color two pages of the Arabic coloring book each week. The main goal is to make sure that the students keep revising [...]

By | March 29th, 2020|Pre-KG|Comments Off on Pre-KG-HW-For-03/29/2020

KG-2 Life of RasulAllah-HW-For-03/29/2020

Asalam U Alaikum everyone, this is Sister Samahal. So so far in this semester we have finished a majority of the book, so my plan is that within the next 3-4 weeks, we finish coloring the whole book. As I do not have the book with me, I would like that you all open your [...]

By | March 29th, 2020|KG-2 Life of RasulAllah|Comments Off on KG-2 Life of RasulAllah-HW-For-03/29/2020

KG-1 Life of RasulAllah-HW-For-03/29/2020

Asalam U Alaikum everyone, this is Sister Samahal. So so far in this semester we have finished a majority of the book, so my plan is that within the next 3-4 weeks, we finish coloring the whole book. As I do not have the book with me, I would like that you all open your [...]

By | March 29th, 2020|KG-1 Life of RasulAllah|Comments Off on KG-1 Life of RasulAllah-HW-For-03/29/2020

1B Iman/History-HW-For-03/29/2020

ASAK My students have completed the units we were supposed to last week. Please continue to review all chapters in Unit D with your child to keep them prepared for the exam. I will post a study guide soon. The workbook pages associated with unit D have been completed so please make sure your child [...]

By | March 29th, 2020|1B Iman/History|Comments Off on 1B Iman/History-HW-For-03/29/2020