Sunday School Homework

/Sunday School Homework

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So far Sunday School Homework has created 2302 blog entries.

1A Iman/History-HW-For-03/29/2020

ASAK My students have completed the units we were supposed to last week. Please continue to review all chapters in Unit D with your child to keep them prepared for the exam. I will post a study guide soon. The workbook pages associated with unit D have been completed so please make sure your child [...]

By | March 29th, 2020|1A Iman/History|Comments Off on 1A Iman/History-HW-For-03/29/2020

3B Worship/Character-HW-For-03/22/2020

AssalaamuAlaikum wa Rahmathu Allahi wa Barakaatahu, We hope this reaches you all in the best of health and imaan. This coming Sunday, 03/29/20 we will be conduncting the class online via google classroom ( Please join my class using class code: 4wcholo We will start Unit – E, Chapter 6: Truthfulness: It's my Style. Please [...]

By | March 25th, 2020|3B Worship/Character|Comments Off on 3B Worship/Character-HW-For-03/22/2020

3A Worship/Character-HW-For-03/22/2020

AssalaamuAlaikum wa Rahmathu Allahi wa Barakaatahu, We hope this reaches you all in the best of health and imaan. This coming Sunday, 03/29/20 we will be conduncting the class online via google classroom ( Please join my class using class code: 05glz6q. We will start Unit – E, Chapter 6: Truthfulness: It's my Style. Please [...]

By | March 25th, 2020|3A Worship/Character|Comments Off on 3A Worship/Character-HW-For-03/22/2020

1A Worship/Character-HW-For-03/22/2020

In class, we learned the important locations in Islam! - Makkah - Madinah( Yathrib) - Jerusalem We also learned the important masjids - Masjid-e-Haram - Masjid-e-Quba Masjid-an-Nabwi Please read over Unit D Chapter 1 and complete questions at the end of Chapter One! Jazakhallahu-Khairan For any concerns, you can email me at

By | March 25th, 2020|1A Worship/Character|Comments Off on 1A Worship/Character-HW-For-03/22/2020

3B Quran-HW-For-03/22/2020

Alsalam Alikom Wa Rahmat Allah Wa Barakatoh I hope this reaches you in the best of Health and Imaan. Unfortunately this is the second week closure of our Sunday School and we don't know when this COVID-19 health crisis will end. So we don't want our students to be behind while staying at home and [...]

By | March 25th, 2020|3B Quran|Comments Off on 3B Quran-HW-For-03/22/2020

4B Iman/History-HW-For-03/22/2020

Assalam o alaikum, As you know that due to current situation Of Covid-19 virus, we are unable to hold the classes in the school until further notice. Therefore, we are advised by the administration to post homework each week on this portable for the students to work on at home. We will review the chapters [...]

By | March 22nd, 2020|4B Iman/History|Comments Off on 4B Iman/History-HW-For-03/22/2020

4A Iman/History-HW-For-03/22/2020

Assalam o alaikum, As you know that due to current situation Of Covid-19 virus, we are unable to hold the classes in the school until further notice. Therefore, we are advised by the administration to post homework each week on this portable for the students to work on at home. We will review the chapters [...]

By | March 22nd, 2020|4A Iman/History|Comments Off on 4A Iman/History-HW-For-03/22/2020

4B Quran-HW-For-03/23/2020

AssalaamuAlaikum wa Rahmathu Allahi wa Barakaatahu, We hope this reaches you all in the best of health and imaan. Today is the second week closure of our Sunday school; We are uncertain how long this ongoing COVID-19 health crisis will continue. At the same time, we do not want our students to fall behind while [...]

By | March 22nd, 2020|4B Quran|Comments Off on 4B Quran-HW-For-03/23/2020

4A Quran-HW-For-03/23/2020

AssalaamuAlaikum wa Rahmathu Allahi wa Barakaatahu, We hope this reaches you all in the best of health and imaan. Today is the second week closure of our Sunday school; We are uncertain how long this ongoing COVID-19 health crisis will continue. At the same time, we do not want our students to fall behind while [...]

By | March 22nd, 2020|4A Quran|Comments Off on 4A Quran-HW-For-03/23/2020

1A Quran-HW-For-03/22/2020

Assalamualikum wrwb, I hope you are all doing good. InshaAllah we are going to start our virtual learning for Quran for level 1. I will be posting lessons and HW for each week online. So please do not forget to check the website for the updates. Please click on the below link for today’s lesson. [...]

By | March 22nd, 2020|1A Quran|Comments Off on 1A Quran-HW-For-03/22/2020