Sunday School Homework

/Sunday School Homework

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So far Sunday School Homework has created 2302 blog entries.

3B Quran-HW-For-03/08/2020

Alsalam Alikom Wa Rahmat Allah Wa Barakatoh TODAY : 1- We have revised Surah Al-Zilzal and we have started new Surah (Surah Al-Ma’un) and we taken the First Ayah. 2- We have revised Dua’a Qunut in the Witr’s Prayer and Dua’a After Salah and we have new part in Dua’a For Travel (اللهم هون علينا [...]

By | March 8th, 2020|3B Quran|Comments Off on 3B Quran-HW-For-03/08/2020

5B Iman/History-HW-For-03/08/2020

Alhumdillah we completed the Unit C chapter 1 regarding Salman al Farisi and how he searched for truth and found Prophet (PBUH) and accepted Islam. Also, we started the chapter 2 regarding all arabia attacking the madinah and muslims. We are still continuing the chapter 2. Homework: Complete the workbook upto Chapter 1 in Unit [...]

By | March 8th, 2020|5B Iman/History|Comments Off on 5B Iman/History-HW-For-03/08/2020

3B Worship/Character-HW-For-02/23/2020

Worship/Character-HW-For-02/23/2020, Br Soheb/Br Asadullah Al-Hamdulillah, we completed Chapter 5 of Unit E, Respect: It's my Duty! We learned that Allah ordered us to respect others, and the Prophet (SAW) taught us how to do that. We also learned that we should parents and elders. We should always treat children with kindness and elders with respect. [...]

By | March 6th, 2020|3B Worship/Character|Comments Off on 3B Worship/Character-HW-For-02/23/2020

3A Worship/Character-HW-For-02/23/2020

Worship/Character-HW-For-02/23/2020, Br Soheb/Br Asadullah Al-Hamdulillah, we completed Chapter 5 of Unit E, Respect: It's my Duty! We learned that Allah ordered us to respect others, and the Prophet (SAW) taught us how to do that. We also learned that we should parents and elders. We should always treat children with kindness and elders with respect. [...]

By | March 6th, 2020|3A Worship/Character|Comments Off on 3A Worship/Character-HW-For-02/23/2020

4B Quran-HW-For-03/01/2020

In this class we revised the first two ayahs of Surah At Takathur and memorized the next 3-8 ayahs of The Surah At- Takathur. HOMEWORK: Memorize the Surah At- Takathur 1-8 ayahs.

By | March 5th, 2020|4B Quran|Comments Off on 4B Quran-HW-For-03/01/2020