1B Iman/History

//1B Iman/History

1B Iman/History-HW-For-01/03/2016

Assalaamu alaykum, Please review the following for the upcoming Iman & History Exam: -Rasulullah (saw) is our last prophet. -Rasulullah(saw) was born in Makkah. -His fathers name is Abdullah. -His mothers name is Aminah. -Rasulullah(saw) had six children, their names are Zainab, Ruqayyah, Fatimah, Umm-kulthum, Al qasim, Al tayyab. -What is shahada? - Allah told [...]

By | January 1st, 2016|1B Iman/History|Comments Off on 1B Iman/History-HW-For-01/03/2016

1B Iman/History-HW-For-12/27/2015

Assalaamu alaykum, Please review the following for the upcoming Iman & History Exam: -Rasulullah (saw) is our last prophet. -Rasulullah(saw) was born in Makkah. -His fathers name is Abdullah. -His mothers name is Aminah. -Rasulullah(saw) had six children, their names are Zainab, Ruqayyah, Fatimah, Umm-kulthum, Al qasim, Al tayyab. -What is shahada? - Allah told [...]

By | January 1st, 2016|1B Iman/History|Comments Off on 1B Iman/History-HW-For-12/27/2015

1B Iman/History-HW-For-12/06/2015

Assalamualaikum! This week, students completed a quiz on ni'mah and thikr. They will receive the quizzes back on this Sunday with a grade, insha' Allah. Please review concepts of ni'mah and thikr for homework. Also, please complete any past incomplete homework assignments for a make-up grade. Jazak'Allah Khair

By | December 11th, 2015|1B Iman/History|Comments Off on 1B Iman/History-HW-For-12/06/2015

1B Iman/History-HW-For-11/22/2015

Assalamualaikum! Students completed a study guide during class. Please make sure they study the material, as they will have a quiz next week, in shaa Allah. Any students who have not finished previous workbook assignments, please do so. (The workbooks will say "HW" and the date the pages were assigned). Jazak'Allah Khair

By | November 27th, 2015|1B Iman/History|Comments Off on 1B Iman/History-HW-For-11/22/2015