1B Quran

//1B Quran

1B Quran-HW-For-11/05/2017

Allhamdulillah, in class we covered Alif ا to Seen س . Students have to do page 8 from the work book. Kindly check students workbook and make sure that the students have notebooks and pencils. Jzk kaserah!

By | November 5th, 2017|1B Quran|Comments Off on 1B Quran-HW-For-11/05/2017

1B Quran-HW-For-10/29/2017

Allhamdulillah, in class we covered Alif ا to Dhaal ذ۔ Students have to do page 5 from the work book. Kindly check students workbook and make sure that the students have notebooks and pencils. Jzk kaserah

By | November 1st, 2017|1B Quran|Comments Off on 1B Quran-HW-For-10/29/2017

1B Quran-HW-For-04/02/2017

HW: please study pages #40 and 41 . And complete page #33. Note: Today we had tanween with kasrah. Please work on any incomplete HW . Always bring your Arabic book and two sharpened pencils ✏️.

By | April 2nd, 2017|1B Quran|Comments Off on 1B Quran-HW-For-04/02/2017