2 Quran

//2 Quran

2 Quran-HW-For-09/30/2018

Assalam Alaikum dear parents and guardians, Today in class we covered the signs of the letters and the correct pronounciation of them. We also went over Surah An-Nas and discussed it's protective qualities and why it was trgealed to the Prophet (PBUH). For homework we would like the kids to review the worksheet with the [...]

By | September 30th, 2018|2 Quran|Comments Off on 2 Quran-HW-For-09/30/2018

2 Quran-HW-For-05/20/2018

Assalamualaikum The topics for the final exam and their rubric is below: 1. Nuraniyah from page 10-20 = 80% 2. Sura kafirun, An- Nasr, Al- Masad = 5% 3. Wazu method = 5% 4. Homework = 10% Please have the students review all these topics for the upcoming exam.

By | May 22nd, 2018|2 Quran|Comments Off on 2 Quran-HW-For-05/20/2018

2 Quran-HW-For-05/20/2018

Assalamualailum The topics for the final exam and their rubric is below: 1. Nuraniyah from page 10-20 = 80% 2. Sura kafirun, An- Nasr, Al- Masad = 5% 3. Wazu method = 5% 4. Homework = 10% Please have the students review all these topics for the upcoming exam.

By | May 22nd, 2018|2 Quran|Comments Off on 2 Quran-HW-For-05/20/2018

2 Quran-HW-For-03/18/2018

2A Qur'an - Homework for 3/18/2018 (Second period Sister Qudsia Harmain and Sister Sheffa Kochay) In class today we learned about the qalqalah letters and read the first 4 lines. Please review with your children at home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziZckj_rXS0

By | March 18th, 2018|2 Quran|Comments Off on 2 Quran-HW-For-03/18/2018

2 Quran-HW-For-01/21/2018

8th Grade Study Guide for Tafseer Class • Allah (SWT) said in Surat Al Imran (3:33): “Indeed, Allah chose Adam and Noah and the family of Abraham and the family of 'Imran over the worlds”. Study the prophet’s family tree and make special attention to the relationships between them, for example: …………………. Is the mother [...]

By | January 21st, 2018|2 Quran|Comments Off on 2 Quran-HW-For-01/21/2018

2 Quran-HW-For-12/17/2017

Assalamaualaikum The test will be completely oral. From the noorania, the test will include page11-15. Kids need to have from surah Naas to Surah Msad memorized. The complete method of the wudu will also be part of the test. The test will be graded as followed: Noorania: 50% Surah Memorization: 40% Wudu Method: 10% Please [...]

By | December 17th, 2017|2 Quran|Comments Off on 2 Quran-HW-For-12/17/2017

2 Quran-HW-For-11/12/2017

2A Qur'an - Homework for 11/12/2017 (Second period Sister Qudsia Harmain) 1) Read Surah An-Nasr (سورة الـنصر) https://quran.com/110 2) How to make Wudu https://www.wikihow.com/Perform-Wudu 3) Read page#13 given in the class today.

By | November 13th, 2017|2 Quran|Comments Off on 2 Quran-HW-For-11/12/2017