2 Quran

//2 Quran

2 Quran-HW-For-11/08/2015

HW: Please write the Arabic letters 3 times. and check the paper Quiz with your parents. Notes: -We covered tanween Kasra, tanween damma, and tanween fatha in class. -please visit the link on top of this page and practice your Arabic words :) - always practice your Arabic letters even if you know it ;) [...]

By | November 9th, 2015|2 Quran|Comments Off on 2 Quran-HW-For-11/08/2015

2 Quran-HW-For-11/01/2015

HW: Please write your Arabic letters from ا to ي three times in your note book. and study your Arabic letters for Quiz next week. Students should know ho to write them by themselves. Note: -We covered in class the letters. - the letters with the short vowels fatha, kasra, damma. - the letters with [...]

By | November 1st, 2015|2 Quran|Comments Off on 2 Quran-HW-For-11/01/2015