3A Worship/Character-HW-For-10/10/2017
3A Worship/Character-HW-For-10/15/2017-Br Soheb Unit C - Chapter 3 - Perfect Your Prayer Alhamdolillah, we have completed Chapter 3 of Unit C. We learned all the steps of prayer and what should be said in all steps of prayer. Learned the importance of making niyyah before prayer. Understand the importance of Khushoo and praying on time. [...]
3A Worship/Character-HW-For-10/08/2017-Br Soheb Unit C - Chapter 2 - Making Wudoo Right We learned what is Wudoo and why it is important. When we do Wudoo. We also learned and practiced how to do the wudoo the right way. Please complete Exercise 1 , 2, 3 and 4 from Workbook. Unit C, Chapter 2.
3A Worship/Character-HW-For-10/01/2017, Br Soheb We reviewed Unit C - Chapter 1. Unit – C, Chapter One Hajj: The Fifth Pillar of Islam Review Sheet Br. Soheb Khan Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam. It is fard (compulsory) on every adult Muslim, if he or she is in good health and can afford it. The [...]
We defined and understand Hajj, how a muslim perform Hajj and the wisdom behind all the rituals. Please complete Exercise 1 , 2 and 3 from Workbook. Unit C, Chapter 1.
Assalaamu alaykum, Here is the study guide for your upcoming exam on May 21st in shaa Allah. Worship&Character_3SG
Class work: We start Unit C, Chapter 6 in class about Thikr (Zikr). We will InshAllah finish this chapter in our next class. Home work: Do question number 1 & 2 only in your worksheet. If you were absent today: read this chapter & answer these two questions: 1- What does thikr mean? 2- What [...]
We complete the chapter 4 in Unit C. HW: Complete the HW sheet. Bring the Salah with Jamaah activity sheet back to school.
Assalaamu alaykum, Please use the study guide below to prepare for Sunday's exam, in shaa Allah. Worship&Character_3_SG