3B Worship/Character

//3B Worship/Character

3B Worship/Character-HW-For-04/10/2016

If you didn't finish the questions on Page E52 in class, finish them for homework. We will move on to a new lesson next week. Also come prepared to class with a notebook, pencil and the Level 3 books you got in the the beginning of the year. We will do a Preparedness Grade on [...]

By | April 11th, 2016|3B Worship/Character|Comments Off on 3B Worship/Character-HW-For-04/10/2016

3B Worship/Character-HW-For-01/03/2016

Directions: There will be at least one question on the exam for every topic listed in this study guide. You are expected to use your textbook and notes to review all the units and chapters listed below, concentrating on knowing well the topics listed in this guide. The exam will consist of a mixture of [...]

By | January 7th, 2016|3B Worship/Character|Comments Off on 3B Worship/Character-HW-For-01/03/2016

Fall 2015: Worship & Character Study Guide

Assalaamu alaykum, I hope this message reaches you in the best of health and imaan.   Please use the following study guide to review for the upcoming exam on Sunday, January 17th in shaa Allah .  Please remember that every single topic included in the study guide will be on the exam in shaa Allah. [...]

By | December 31st, 2015|3B Worship/Character|Comments Off on Fall 2015: Worship & Character Study Guide