5A Worship/Character

//5A Worship/Character

5A Worship/Character-HW-For-12/25/2017

Fall 2017 Study Guide Subject Worship and Character Level 5 Directions: There will be at least one question on the exam for every topic listed in this study guide. You are expected to use your textbook and notes to review all the units and chapters listed below, concentrating on knowing well the topics listed in [...]

By | December 25th, 2017|5A Worship/Character|Comments Off on 5A Worship/Character-HW-For-12/25/2017

5A Worship/Character-HW-For-12/17/2017

Sunnah Rakahs for five daily Salahs Before Fard After Fard Fajr 4 - Dhuhr 4 2 Asr 4 Maghrib 2 Isha 4 2 Chapter 3: Salat-ud-Duha Salat-ud-Duha and what kind of prayer it is. Tasbeehah, Tahmeedah, and Tahleelah. Learn the chapter's hadeeth on the reward of praying Salat-ud-Duha like giving 360 sadaqa Chapter 6: Appreciating [...]

By | December 20th, 2017|5A Worship/Character|Comments Off on 5A Worship/Character-HW-For-12/17/2017

5A Worship/Character-HW-For-12/10/2017

We covered basic fundamentals of Salah, its method and different types of Salah. Here are some summary of items taught in class 1. Taharah: Cleanliness is half of faith, our body and clothes should be clean enough to pray salah. In order for salah to be valid we should clean our private parts with water [...]

By | December 11th, 2017|5A Worship/Character|Comments Off on 5A Worship/Character-HW-For-12/10/2017

5 Worship/Character-HW-For-05/04/2016

We have completed Unit D and E with several revisions. I hope students will be ready for the final test. In chapter we have Allah's 3 beautiful names with meaning. I have asked students if they can memorize 99 names of Allah SWT. Alhamdolillah, all of them agreed. Please note that memorizing name of Allah [...]

By | May 4th, 2016|5A Worship/Character|Comments Off on 5 Worship/Character-HW-For-05/04/2016

5 Worship/Character-HW-For-03/20/2016

In first term we covered Unit D and test was given from that chapter. Results were not satisfactory, so we reviewed unit D for last 3 sundays and students were retested. Test paper with result is sent back to you for your review. Please check your child score in both tests and discuss his/her progress [...]

By | March 23rd, 2016|5A Worship/Character|Comments Off on 5 Worship/Character-HW-For-03/20/2016