5 Worship/Character-HW-For-03/08/2016
Please review first term test and bring with you. We we do it again.
Please review first term test and bring with you. We we do it again.
Assalaamu alaykum, I hope this message reaches you in the best of health and imaan. Please use the following study guide to review for the upcoming exam on Sunday, January 17th in shaa Allah . Please remember that every single topic included in the study guide will be on the exam in shaa Allah. [...]
Unit D was completed. Students are asked to review entire unit and I will ask short questions in the class.
Unit Seven Page 48 - 54
Salat ul Musafir is covered last week Home wrork: UNIT D - CHAPTER 6 Page 40 - 45
Salah and Qur'an reading at home with review of family relationship. Will revisit last week reading Unit D, page 32 - 38.
Please read Page 32 to Page 38 so that you can answer questions in the class and your class participation marks can be counted.
Unit D: Chapter 4: Salat-ul-Witr Reading Page 22 - 28. During class, chapter will be reviewed anf each studentparticipation is required.