Iman & History Exam Study Guide
Assalaamu alaykum, Here is the study guide for your upcoming exam on June 4th in shaa Allah. Iman&History_6SG
Assalaamu alaykum, Here is the study guide for your upcoming exam on June 4th in shaa Allah. Iman&History_6SG
Assalaamu alaykum, Attached is the study guide for next Sunday's Iman & History exam in shaa Allah. Iman&History6_SG
In this lesson we learned how Ummu Salamah encourged the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to shave his head and slaugther after the signing of the Treaty when the Muslims could not make Umrah. Clearly she was a wise woman and a firm role model in patience. HW: Students must hand in all the due homework previously [...]
Alhamdullah we learnt the overall meaning of Sulh-Al-Hudaybiyah. The treaty would allow Muslims to make Umrah the following year and stay in Makkah for 3 days. The terms of the Agreement were strict and all of them were not in the best interest of the Muslims but Prophet Muhammad (SWS) signed it. I hope this [...]
Assalam Alaykum, since so many kids did not come last Sunday I decided to review Chapter 1 Unit D with the students .. Please do Homework assigned to you last week .
Assalaamu alaykum, We covered unit D chapter 1 in class. Please answer the end of chapter questions for homework.
Today Alhamdullah we are done with Chapter 6 Unit A. We will inchaAllah start unit D chapter 1 next week. Please finish the homework assigned last week.
Assalam Alaykum, most of my students completed the project last week. I am so proud of them and amazed by their imagination and their creativity. Prizes will be awarded to the first 3 winners and trophies will be given to everyone who completed the project. Homework: 1- What are some of the etiquettes of seeking [...]
Assalam Alaykum, We are learning about The Great Hadeeth of Gibreel (AS). In this chapter we are focusing on the angel Gibreel (AS) when he visited the prophet (SAW) and his companions (RA) and asked the prophet (SAW) many questions about the religion of Islam. It was through this question and answer period that the [...]