Subject Introduction: Allah the Most High, through his infinite mercy and wisdom has made the deen of Islam easy to learn and understand. This great blessing of Allah, can be appreciated by the student having a thorough understanding of the Pillars of Islam and the Pillars of Iman. It is important that the student recognize the primary difference between these sets of pillars: The Pillars of Islam focus on the apparent actions of a Muslim, i.e. his or her apparent deeds, while the Pillars of Imaan focus on the beliefs of a Muslim. This subject delves into more advanced subjects pertaining to the 6 pillars of Iman, specifically teaching students:
Allah’s control and knowledge of all things that will happen before they happen, i.e. Al-Qadar.
The noble example of being patient through the difficulties and trials of life as displayed by Prohpet Ayyoob. The biographies of prominent Muslims of the past, specifically: Prophets Zakariyya, Yahya, and Isa, Maryam
This subject concludes by presenting to students the events that occurred towards the end of the life of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon them.
Syllabus: Iman and History Syllabus
Study Guide: Fall 2019- SG Iman History L-8A and 8B Unit-A ch1-7 Br. Tamer
April 2016
8 Iman/History-HW-For-04/24/2016
Started and Completed Unit B Chapter#1: Two Martyrs: The Stories of Prophets Zakariyya and Yahya(as) Homework: 1. Explain it to your parents what you learned in the class from chapter#1 and write four bullet points what you explained. 2. Answer all questions from Page#B13 3. On front page of your homework write your name, unit, chapter number, date and parent’s signature. Note to Parents: Recommended your child to read this chapter at home in front of you, makes sure they finish their homework. Learned : 1. THE TWO MARTYRS 2. ZAKARIYA(as) YAHYA(as) AND These two Prophets were sent to the Children of Israel 3. Who is ZAKARIYA(as) 4. WHY WAS ZAKARIYA(as) SAD? 5. Who is MARYAM(as) 6. MARYAM’S SUSTENANCE 7. ZAKARIYA’S PRAYER Seeing Maryam was […]
8 Iman/History-HW-For-04/17/2016
8 Iman/History-HW-For-04/10/2016 Reviewed Chapter#4 Questions asked Homework: 1. Explain it to your parents what you learned in the class from chapter#4 and write four bullet points what you explained. 2. Answer all questions from Page#D37 3. On front page of your homework write your name, unit, chapter number, date and parent’s signature. Note to Parents: Recommended your child to read this chapter at home in front of you, makes sure they finish their homework.
8 Iman/History-HW-For-04/10/2016
Completed Chapter#4 Learned about: Allah prepares muslims for the prophet’s passing Prophet Muhammad falls ill The last sermon Abu Bakr appointed to lead the prayer The prophet’s final hours The prophet passes away Abu Bakr pronounce the prophet’s passing Abu Bakr becomes the leader of Muslims Spread of islam in Arabia Homework: 1. Explain it to your parents what you learned in the class from chapter#4 and write four bullet points what you explained. 2. Answer all questions from Page#D37 3. On front page of your homework write your name, unit, chapter number, date and parent’s signature. Note to Parents: Recommended your child to read this chapter at home in front of you, makes sure they finish their homework.
8 Iman/History-HW-For-04/03/2016
Unit D Started Chapter 4: Prophet Muhammad (sas) Passes to Jannah Learned about: Ar-Rafeeq-ul-A’la Allah prepares muslims for the prophet’s passing Prophet Muhammad (sas) Falls ill No Homework: Note to Parents: Recommended your child to read this chapter at home in front of you, makes sure they finish their homework
March 2016
8 Iman/History-HW-For-03/20/2016
Questions asked from Ghazwa Tabuk Reviewed & Completed Chapter#3 Lesson 1, 2 & 3 Surat-ul-Munafiqoon Lesson#1: Verses 1-4 (The Characteristics of the hypocrites) Surat-ul-Munafiqoon Lesson#: Verses 5-8 (The Evil Causes of the hypocrites) Surat-ul-Munafiqoon Lesson#: Verses 9-11 (Giving for the sake of Allah) Learned about: Al-Munafiqoon Ghazwa Bani Al-Mustaliq Abdullah Ibn Ibi Salool & Abdullah Ibn Ubay Homework: 1. Explain it to your parents what you learned in the class from chapter#3 and write four bullet points what you explained. 2. Answer questions from Page#D20 & D27 all questions 3. On front page of your homework write your name, unit, chapter number, date and parent’s signature. Note to Parents: Recommended your child to read this chapter at home in front of you, […]
8 Iman/History-HW-For-03/13/2016
8 Iman/History-HW-For-03/13/2016 Reviewed Ch#1 & 2 Started Chapter#3 Surat-ul-Munafiqoon Advised to read this chapter at home. No Homework: Try to complete previously given homework chapter#1 & 2; four bullet points & parents signature. Note to Parents: Recommended your child to read this chapter at home in front of you, makes sure they finish their homework.