Subject Introduction: Allah the Most High, through his infinite mercy and wisdom has made the deen of Islam easy to learn and understand. This great blessing of Allah, can be appreciated by the student having a thorough understanding of the Pillars of Islam and the Pillars of Iman. It is important that the student recognize the primary difference between these sets of pillars: The Pillars of Islam focus on the apparent actions of a Muslim, i.e. his or her apparent deeds, while the Pillars of Imaan focus on the beliefs of a Muslim. This subject delves into more advanced subjects pertaining to the 6 pillars of Iman, specifically teaching students:
Allah’s control and knowledge of all things that will happen before they happen, i.e. Al-Qadar.
The noble example of being patient through the difficulties and trials of life as displayed by Prohpet Ayyoob. The biographies of prominent Muslims of the past, specifically: Prophets Zakariyya, Yahya, and Isa, Maryam
This subject concludes by presenting to students the events that occurred towards the end of the life of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon them.
Syllabus: Iman and History Syllabus
Study Guide: Fall 2019- SG Iman History L-8A and 8B Unit-A ch1-7 Br. Tamer
December 2017
8B Iman/History-HW-For-12/17/2017
8B Iman/History Second Period – Homework for 12/17/2017 Boys Class (Brother Niaz) Homework: Chapter#6 is due on 01/07/2018 & Chapter#7 is due on 01/07/2018. 1) Read the chapter at home Chapter#7. 2) Answer all questions from Page#A65 3) Explain your parents what you learned in the class and write those in bullet points neatly. 4) Take parent’s signature on each homework before you submit. Fall 2017 Exam will be on Jan 21st 2018. Study guide will be posted on the website. Keep a separate “One subject Composition notebook” for Iman & History Homework. Write your Name on the book, homework date, and unit and chapter number. ***************************************************************************************** Classroom Progress: Reviewed, questions asked from unit-A Chapter#6 Patience and Perseverance in Daily Life Completed Chapter#7 – Shukr: […]
8B Iman/History-HW-For-12/10/2017
8B Iman/History Second Period – Homework for 12/10/2017 Boys Class (Brother Niaz) Homework: Chapter#5 was due on 12/10/2017 & Chapter#6 is due on 12/24/2017. 1) Read the chapter at home Chapter#6. 2) Answer all questions from Page#A55 3) Explain your parents what you learned in the class and write those in bullet points neatly. 4) Take parent’s signature on each homework before you submit. Keep a separate “One subject Composition notebook” for Iman & History Homework. Write your Name on the book, homework date, and unit and chapter number. ************************************************* Classroom Progress: Reviewed, questions asked from unit-A Chapter#5: Patience and Perseverance: The Signs of Strong Faith Completed Chapter#6 Patience and Perseverance in Daily Life Patience is a way of life that Muslims should apply every […]
8B Iman/History-HW-For-12/03/2017
8B Iman/History Second Period – Homework for 12/03/2017 Boys Class (Brother Niaz) Homework: Chapter#4 was due on 12/03/2017 & Chapter#5 is due on 12/10/2017. 1) Read the chapter at home Chapter#6. 2) Answer all questions from end of the chapter page#A31 & A41. 3) Explain your parents what you learned in the class and write those in bullet points neatly. 4) Take parent’s signature on each homework before you submit. Keep a separate “One subject Composition notebook” for Iman & History Homework. Write your Name on the book, homework date, unit and chapter number. ***************************************************************************************** Classroom Progress: Reviewed, questions asked from unit-A Chapter#5: Patience and Perseverance: The Signs of Strong Faith Started Chapter#6 Patience and Perseverance in Daily Life Patience is a way of life […]
November 2017
8B Iman/History-HW-For-11/19/2017
8B Iman/History Second Period – Homework for 11/19/2017 Boys Class (Brother Niaz) Homework: Chapter#4 is due on 12/03/2017 & Chapter#5 is due on 12/10/2017. 1) Read the chapter at home Chapter#4 & 5. 2) Answer all questions from end of the chapter page. 3) Explain your parents what you learned in the class and write those in bullet points neatly. 4) Take parent’s signature on each homework before you submit. Keep a separate “One subject Composition notebook” for Iman & History Homework. Write your Name on the book, homework date, unit and chapter number. ***************************************************************************************** Classroom Progress: Reviewed Chapter#4 – Ayyoub (as), The Prophet of Patience and Thankfulness Completed Chapter#5 – Patience and Perseverance: The Signs of Strong Faith Names of Allah: As-Saboor (The patient) […]
8A Iman/History-HW-For-11/12/2017
8B Iman/History Second Period – Homework for 11/12/2017 Boys Class (Brother Niaz) Homework: Chapter#2; page#A19 is due on 11/19/2017 & Chapter#3; page#A25- due on 11/26/2017) 1) Read the chapter at home Chapter#3 – Allah Gives and Deprives Wealth. 2) Answer all questions from Page#A19 & A25 3) Explain your parents what you learned in the class and write those in bullet points neatly. 4) Take parent’s signature on each homework before you submit. Keep a separate “One subject Composition notebook” for Iman & History Homework. Write your Name on the book, homework date, unit and chapter number. ************************************************ Class Progress: Reviewed Chapter#3 – Allah Gives and Deprives Wealth Started Chapter#4 – Ayyoub (as), The Prophet of Patience and Thankfulness Prophet Ayyoub(as) was a direct descendent […]
8B Iman/History-HW-For-11/05/2017
8B Iman/History Second Period -Homework for 11/05/2017 Boys Class (Brother Niaz) Homework: Chapter#2 is due on 11/19/2017 (Ch#1; Page#A11- extended to 11/12/2017) 1) Read the chapter at home Unit-A Chapter#2 Allah Controls the World. 2) Answer all questions from Page#A19 3) Explain your parents what you learned in the class and write those in bullet points neatly. 4) Take parent’s signature on each homework before you submit. Keep a separate “One subject Composition notebook” for Iman & History Homework. Write your Name on the book, homework date, unit and chapter number. *************************************************** Class Progress: Reviewed Chapter#1 and #2; Questions asked; Started Chapter#3 – Allah Gives and Deprives Wealth Rizq (Sustenance) Taqwa (Righteousness) Tawakkul (True full trustee on Allah) Attributes of Allah: Ar-Razzaq; Ar-Raziq;Al-Mu’ti, Al-Wahhab Laws […]