
رَّبِّ زِدْنِى عِلْمًۭا
“O my Lord! advance me in knowledge.”(20:114)

MCNJ Islamic Sunday School is the largest Islamic Sunday school in New Jersey, with over 300 students. Since its inception in 1994, it has provided Islamic education to a diversified group of students. The school is committed to providing students with excellent quality Islamic education according to the Quran and the Sunnah, based on high moral and ethical values in an Islamic environment.



Latest Updates

1711, 2012

HAJJ Poster Exhibition, Pizza Party on Nov 18th

November 17th, 2012|

Parents please be aware that this week will be the deadline for the Poster competition.  In shaa Allah, we will be collecting the posters and posting them in the gym for parents and students to view.  We also invite all parents to come and support [...]

1011, 2012

Hajj Remembrance, Poster Exhibition

November 10th, 2012|

MCNJ Islamic Sunday School is conducting  a poster competition to create HAJJ awareness among young Muslims. All students are encouraged to participate. New due date: Nov 18th 2012 Timelines and Rules: 1) Due date: Sunday, November 18, 2012 2) No poster will be accepted after [...]

211, 2012

MCNJ Sunday School Closed This Sunday Nov 4th

November 2nd, 2012|

Assalaamu Alaykum  wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakaatuhu, May Allah protect all of us and our families as we get through the recent storm that Allah the Most High in his infinite wisdom has prescribed upon us this past week.  May Allah also give us the [...]


September: 8, 15, 22, 29
October:  6, 13, 20, 27
November: 3, 10, 17, 24
December:  8, 15, 22 (Winter Break)
January: 5, 12, 19, 26
February:  2, 9, 23
March: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
April: 6, 13, 27
May: 4, 11, 
June: 1,  8, (21 Graduation)

Note: School dates are subject to change based on weather and school availability


Homework is accessible through our parent portal here parents, please log in to the portal for up-to-date information.


Please see the curriculum of each grade and subject here